The following sections define a simple event framework built using Geronimo, Active MQ, and the concepts and semantics of JMS. 以下各节定义了使用Geronimo、ActiveMQ和JMS的概念和语义构建的简单事件框架。
The same occurrence can be modeled as several simple events or a complex aggregate event& either approach having different workload characteristics. 发生的相同事件可以建模为几个简单的事件或一个复杂的聚合事件&每种方法都有不同的工作负载特征。
We will now showcase specific abilities of the Parse:: RecDescent grammar by adding on to the UI features from a simple event loop and a simple user interface. 现在,通过在简单事件循环和简单用户界面的UI功能基础上再增加一些功能,我们将具体展示Parse::RecDescent文法所具有的特定能力。
This scenario demonstrates the additional performance cost of executing a simple piece of JavaScript on every event flow. 这个场景展示了在每个事件流发生时执行一段简单的JavaScript导致的性能开销。
A simple business event is a direct result of a transaction, whereas a complex business event results from a series of changes, in combination, defined by a business analyst. 简单的业务事件是一个事务的直接结果,而复杂的业务事件则是业务分析人员定义的一系列变化组合而形成的结果。
The sample provides three simple use cases: add event, list events and edit event. 该示例提供了三个简单的用例:添加事件、列出事件和编辑事件。
It performs the information management of data and content, whether in the context of a simple access event or process flow. 它执行数据与内容的信息管理工作(无论在简单的访问事件还是流程流上下文中均是如此)。
It would be nice to be able to create simple event reminders from the command line. 能从命令行创建简单的事件提醒程序固然很好。
A simple example is a network-related event producer wishing to send across the affected network interface's name and a disk-related event producer sending the concerned disk name. 举个简单的例子,网络相关的事件创造器想要发送相关的网络接口的名称,而磁盘相关事件创造器就会发送相关的磁盘名称。
But when you're developing a simple Web application, the complexity of event handling may be more expensive than the cost of additional resources. 但如果您开发的是一个简单的Web应用程序,复杂的事件处理则不仅仅是耗费额外的资源。
When you click any other link, however, a simple anchor template handles the link event and copies the contents of the link to the pin area. 但是,当您单击其他链接时,一个简单的锚模板将处理链接事件并将链接的内容复制到别针区域。
I've also provided a slide show for download that shows, through a simple storyline, the path an event takes as it's processed by Monitor. 我还提供了一个简单的幻灯片演示可供下载,其中通过简单的故事情节演示了Monitor处理事件时事件所经历的路径。
This very simple project defines one event, one action, one result event and the action it generates. 这个非常简单的项目定义了一个事件、一个动作、一个结果事件和该结果事件生成的动作。
A simple conversation can be different event to a man and a woman. 一次普通的谈话对男士和对女士来说可以是两码事。
The games 'huge budget and massive publicity power mean it can never be a simple sporting event. 巨大的预算和巨大的舞台,意味着奥运会永远不会是单纯的运动会。
Event-driven architectures include simple event processing, complex event processing ( CEP) and event stream processing ( ESP) are an in area that the Gartner group is poised for significant growth. 事件驱动架构包括简单事件处理、复杂事件处理(CEP)和事件流处理(ESP),GartnerGroup正准备在该领域大展拳脚。
Do not think of this event as a simple care free event. 不要认为这个活动只是个简单、不需要太多注意的活动。
The following simple example uses the open event to run a macro when you open the workbook. 下面这一简单示例使用“打开”事件在您打开工作簿时运行宏。
Supported by the available literatures, the purpose of this review is to introduce some methods to identify and assess simple adverse event, and some challenges remain need to face to. 参考相关文献,本文介绍了以病例为基础药物单一不良事件的鉴别和评价方法以及目前依然面临的挑战。
An event detect model based on compositional colored Petri net is constructed, which is simple and efficient for describing event expression. 引入空间复合算子,将传统的事件表达式扩展到空间领域,提出了组合着色Petri网作为事件检测模型,所提出的模型可以充分利用事件公共表达式,描述简洁有效。
In a network with wormhole routing, the message arrival is not a simple event, but a lasting process with stochastic character. 在采用虫孔寻径的网络中,消息的到达不是一个简单的事件,而是一个具有随机性的持续过程。
Therefore, compared with climate event in 1960s, global warming in 1980s was not a simple out-of-phase interdecadal climate change event, but the different climate responses to different physical factors. 所以,80年代气候变暖事件与60年代气候变冷事件相比较,并不是单纯的气候年代际反位相振荡的结果,而是不同时间尺度信号相互作用下引起的气候不同的响应。
RFID simple event can solve the issues of large-scale flow of data collection and acquisition. 通过RFID简单事件解决大规模流数据的收集和采集问题。
In events argument detection, we treat simple argument and nested argument of event respectively. 在事件元素的识别上,本文对事件的简单元素与事件的嵌套元素分别进行处理。
Individual through the environment in the accumulation of simple life events and emergent important life event, the influence of the concept of individual self formation and stable. 个体通过环境中简单生活事件的积累和突发重要生活事件,影响个体自我概念的形成和稳定。
The Coulomb stress change before a hypothetical earthquake is calculated based on a simple back-slip dislocation model of the event. 震前库仑应力场采用地震断层反向滑移模型计算。
There are several problems in event handling for RFID middleware products currently. For example, event handling abilities are bad, event processing rules are simple and event handling real-time is poor. These problems largely restricted the pace of development of RFID technology. 当前的RFID中间件产品事件处理方面普遍存在着事件处理能力差、事件处理规则简单和事件处理实时性差等问题,这些问题在很大程度上制约了RFID技术的发展速度。
After that, a tuple may be considered as a simple event. 抽象后,数据可被看成简单事件。
Existing automatic GUI test repair techniques use reverse engineering techniques to extract the event-flow graph ( EFG) of subject applications, and adopt simple transformations to repair event sequences based on EFG. 已有的自动化GUI测试修复的方法使用逆向工程技术提取应用的事件流图(EFG),然后对EFG模型范围之内的事件流进行简单的修复变换。